Thursday, May 17, 2012

Prompt #3

Prompt #3
Funny Stories

I haven't had Amaranth very long so I don't have many stories about her really but I do have one that will work for this prompt.
My fiance' and I took Ama to Disneyland and mostly people were looking at her but not staring. We had one cast member who obviously was not a big fan of dolls and was super creeped out. He not only stared but while I was talking to him, asking a question, he seemed to be hurrying me. I kinda felt bad about it but my fiance' nearly died laughing. He just couldn't believe anyone could be so bothered by my doll.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Prompt #2

Video Prompt #2

What do I fear most about having my BJD?
Well because I take her almost everywhere I would say my biggest fear is dropping her. I'm so scared we will be out somewhere and someone will bump into me and she will fall. I'm also really dreading my first face up. I haven't done one yet so it makes me really nervous.
Other then that I think just worrying about her wigs getting damaged or the cat sleeping on her when I'm not home.

Monday, April 30, 2012


Amaranth's First Trip To Disneyland!

Today was Ama's first trip to Disneyland. We went on the Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean, and the Carousel. We enjoyed walking through the whole park and California Adventures. Her favorite things were Dumbo, New Orleans Square, and the waterfalls at Grizzly River Run.
Can't wait to go again!  

Prompt #1

Because of the large gaps in the written prompts I've decided to follow the video prompts instead. Eventually I hope to have actual videos for them. :P

Video Prompt #1

As I said in my previous post, this is Amaranth. She is a 1/3 Jie Doll.
Her birthday is April 16th, 2012. Aries.
Her name is from the Mediterranean flower Amaranth which in Greek translates to Unfading Flower. I felt it was perfect for her.
She currently has 3 outfits and 2 wigs. I make all her clothes myself. I'm a Steampunk designer and making clothes for Amaranth is just too much fun.
Her nickname is Ama
Her favorite colors are blue and purple
Her favorite music artists are Mika Hatsune, Kerli, and Lilly Allen
She loves being outside in the garden and isn't fond of loud places.
Her favorite thing to do is lay on the cat
Her favorite item is her octopus pendant

~Looking forward to getting the actual videos done and I'll get them posted on here~

Meet My BJD

This is Amaranth and she is my 1/3 BJD or ball joint doll. 
This blog is being started as a way of showing her off and answering all the written BJD prompts. So I'm really excited to be doing this and I think it's going to be tons of fun. I spend so much time working at my 3 jobs and keeping my house clean I so rarely have time to do things for myself. So my fiance' bought Ama for me. She is my little escape from the world. :)